Monday, January 28, 2013

Haruni - Q1 UFO

For 2013 I've joined "UFO blir FO under 2013", but instead for one FO per month I'm targeting to finish one project per quarter. First project in my pile is Haruni, a beautiful lace shawl that I started in 2010 after finding the yarn in my Easter egg (not a big surprise since I bought it myself earlier at Marias Garn).
I started, decided I needed that needles for another project and left it i the bag.
I have now restarted and am ready to start chart B (I made one extra repeat of chart A)

Haruni is also the project that Avigmaskan is knitting this Spring and I thought that it could be good to get some support. 

I'm planning to join with a LUFO also for 2013 and it might be Diva - I just need to verify that I can get more yarn. Otherwise Stone circles is always an option - just maybe not in one year.......

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